Tuesday, November 27, 2007

What Do You Want Streaming Audio To Do For You?

Streaming audio is one of the most powerful things to come along in this generation. Statistics have shown streaming audio in most cases will help your conversion rate You need to have a clear plan of what audio can do for your website. There are so many ways to use streaming audio almost all of them will help you have a better site.

The first thing you need to do is decide exactly how streaming audio can help you. Here are some of the more common uses for streaming audio on your website.

Music: One of the most obvious ways to use audio on your site is to display your music for the entire world to hear. A local band now has a chance at worldwide fame simply by adding their music to their website.
Tip! I hope this introduction has helped you with your audio streaming.

CD Sales: It is now possible to sell your bands CDs world wide with your music posted in a streaming format.

Get To Be Known: If you are a marketer people hearing your audio files will feel like they know you. This is a major plus when you are trying to get their business.

Testimonials: Audio testimonials are very powerful. They can help you build extreme credibility with your customer.

Increase Sales: Most will agree streaming audio on your website will help increase your sales.

It has never been easier to create streaming audio for your website. Use your imagination for the many uses of streaming audio. Whatever your reason for adding audio you will find it should help your sales grow by leaps and bounds.

Doug Taylor has been creating audio online since 1999. If you think that putting audio files on a website will be a lot of hard work and hassle then download a free 16 page special report Mastering Streaming Audio. Visit http://www.create-streaming-audio.com/csa_ezine.html for streaming audio tips, tricks, shortcuts, and techniques.

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